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HR Management & Legal Consulting



As an experienced HR manager and attorney, I advise small and medium-sized companies (SME), startups, scaleups (especially FinTechs), and international organizations in all questions concerning personnel and HR operations.

Sustainable HR Solutions

Collaboratively, we will develop practical HR solutions, individually tailored to your company’s needs. Positioning your company sustainably in a changing business landscape is an integral part of the process.

Arbeitshilfen, Ablaufpläne und Vertragswerke. Aus Erfahrung weiß ich um die besonderen Herausforderungen bei
Change-Management-Prozessen. Umstrukturierungsprojekte anzustoßen, erfordert fundierte Planung, gute Kommunikation und die Einbindung aller Ressourcen. Hierbei berate ich Sie strategisch und unterstütze Sie bei der Erreichung der definierten Meilensteine.

Als Rechtsanwältin sorge ich zudem dafür, dass Ihre Personalkonzepte und -lösungen auch die arbeits-, betriebs-verfassungs- und datenschutzrechtlichen Anforderungen erfüllen und bestehende Rechtsrisiken bei der Umsetzung umfassend berücksichtig werden.

Change Management | Labour Law

I facilitate the planning and implementation of administrative processes, the introduction of system-supported HR tools and the development of customized HR and organizational manuals, flow charts and contracts..


Initiating change requires sound planning, good communication and the integration of all resources. I provide strategic advice and support in reaching pre-defined milestones. As a lawyer, I ensure that your HR solutions meet the legal requirements of German labour and data protection law and comply with the German Works Constitution Act, as well as the European GDPR regulations.

  • Analyzing employee requirements, creating demand-driven job profile

  • Application management, including the selection process, and careful preparation of structured applicant interviews

  • Development of legally binding recruitment processes (onboarding, on-the-job training, offboarding)

  • Development of training concepts and succession planning

  • Legally compliant development and implementation of HR processes, regulations, including employment contracts, works agreements,
    and organizational manuals under consideration of labour, works constitution and data protection law

  • Consulting all levels of management on legal parameters, as well as preparing executives for appraisal interviews and performance reviews

  • Legal assistance on matters regarding data protection law, GDPR, and employee data protection

  • Executing HR projects from start to implementation (initiation, concept, roll-out)

  • Analyzing, establishing and adjusting HR processes

  • Supporting change management processes, including as-is analysis, definition of strategic objectives and managing all stakeholders

  • Developing business-related procedures, flowcharts, templates, and organizational instructions

My consulting topics and services include:


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Dr. Elisa Seidl

Attorney at Law since 2009

My work philosophy is to approach people mindfully. I ask in-depth questions and hone in on my client’s needs. I set up sustainable structures that work in the long run. I know that I have been successful when I am no longer needed.


I pursued my post-graduate education in Bremen and Cologne, submitting my doctorate on the statute of limitations. In addition, I took on a research assistance at the Institute for European Law at the University of Cologne

I have gathered in-depth experience in various HR functions in medium-sized companies, as well as large international corporations, both in-house and freelance. My latest responsibility was as HR manager in a subsidiary of Charité, where I managed all operational and strategic HR issues. My resumé further includes Legal Counsel Labor Law in the field of rail transport technology and managing HR in an international insurance company.


The focus of my activities has always been legal advice on labour, works constitution and data protection issues and disputes. For further information on my career, please refer to my profile on LinkedIn.

Über mich
Seidl Consulting 1_Copyright Chiara Doveri
Seidl Consulting 2_Copyright Chiara Doveri
Seidl Consulting 3_Copyright Chiara Doveri
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